Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Conch Shell Tie-Back for Curtains DIY

So you know when you're on the beach looking for shells and you come across what you think is a whole conch shell? It goes something like this: "Ooh it's my lucky day! I finally found one!"  but alas, it was a fake. Instead you have a conch shell with a hole through the middle (it reminds me of an old fashioned sword handle).

It looks like this:

Well, keep it! There is an artsy use for it
and it looks like this:

  • A "broken" conch shell / Una caracola "roto"
  • Curtain / Una cortina
  • Something to attach to wall, i.e. a tack / Algo para sujetar al pared, por ejemplo una tachuela

Step 1

      Enjoy yourself at the beach and go shelling, bring home a "broken" conch shell.
      Se disfruta un día a la playa y recoja una caracola "roto".

Step 2

      Clean the shell of all sand and salt.  String the curtain through the middle and adjust to the point that you like. I used a tack in the wall to hang the shell but you can do whatever you want to keep it in place.
      Se limpia la caracola de la arena y sal.  Se pone la cortina por el medio y se sujeta al lugar que querías.  Se pone una tachuela en la pared para colgar la caracola en la pared.

El fin!

Tip Junkie handmade projects

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