Saturday, July 2, 2011

Flea Market Finds

      Today was a great day  1) because my friends are coming down and 2) because I went to a flea market! I absolutely love browsing through people's junk at goodwill, yard sales, and flea markets.  I found some pretty cool stuff.
       Hoy estaba un gran día porque 1) mis amigos estan viendo acá y 2) fui a un flea market!  A mi, me encanta echar un vistazo a las cosas de gente, especialmente a goodwill, yard sales, y flea markets. Encontré unas cosas interesántes.


Such as this cute tea pot! It is pretty old, a Rogers brand, and was once covered in a silver plating, but along the way someone tried to clean it and ended up stripping the silver off. So now it's part bronze and part silver stuff. I will be putting some work into it to make it shiny again.
Éste tetera es muy linda! Es muy viejo y necesita llavarse, pero me gusta sin hacer caso de nada.

And these awesome soup bowls.  They look very Latin American, which is perfect for me.
Y también los soperos. Son muy lindos y no puedo esperar para usárlos.

And last, but definitely not least, the vhs pack of the Star Wars triology! I love this because it is the original version, not on dvd... not digitally updated (such as no new scenes, characters, or songs), and it is simply a treasure.
Y por último, si bien no menos importante, la trilogía de Star Wars! Es en el vhs, pero a mi es tanto buenísimo!

 And so ends my day of great finds.  I am always looking for the next treasure chest to dig through.

What I've been listening to:

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